206-276-2735 tanja@tanjadiamond.com


Tanja Diamond is an autistic polymath leader, Tantra Lineage Holder, Business and Life Strategist, and Eco Biohacker. Her 45 years of unique worldwide education, extensive knowledge in thousands of subjects, and certifications in hundreds of modalities make her the go-to for everyone who needs solutions and results quickly.

Her visionary work in healing and optimizing the nervous system boasts a 99% success rate in transforming trauma and unwanted behaviors. It has impacted over 82K people and 22K animals in 60 countries.

Tanja is a five-time #1 International best-selling author, 2 TEDx and  International speaker, and innovator of four high-performance brands: Modern Tantra—The Seven Tantras of Integrated Intelligence, High Speed Evolution—The Five Evolutions to Life Mastery, Discover Your Unique Speaking  Style and Recover Your Life in 20 minutes a day. Her coach certification programs are the most rigorous in the world.

Many of her clients have already done programs with people and companies like Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, The Gottman Institute, Warrior Sage, Wim Hof, Landmark, The Work,  and others and come to Tanja to achieve ultra performance.



Transform with Tanja

“Tanja is amazing as advertised, and I have never met a person more dedicated to a fearless existence. Fearless in speaking the truth, fearless in love and fearless in grabbing moments that pass most of us by. There is no person on the planet that lives more fiercely passionately in everything she does. I am utterly grateful for this adventure with her called life.” Steve Lyndon


My coaching style is confident, practical, straight up, funny, and kick ass.

Besides over 38 years of experience coaching thousands of clients, I have an intuitive gift that helps me discern BS and look into the very core of your issues, there is no place to hide.

That can be scary unless you are serious about your transformation. There is no issue too small or challenge too big and really it’s a matter of you being ready to get it done.

Let’s make a connection and see how I can best serve you.

I promise no sales pitches, or psychological strong-arming, we are transparent about our prices and programs.

Each coach’s page reflects their current packages and rates.

We do give back and if you or someone you know is in need and truly can’t afford our prices call us, it never hurts to ask for what you need.


    • Life challenges
    • Peak Experience living
    • Business
    • Wealth creation
    • Relationship/intimacy issues
    • Heal past or present trauma
    • Sexual abuse
    • Take your sex life to the next level – Peak Arousal
    • Spiritual growth
    • PTSD
    • Addiction

    A condensed version of my experience.

    I had a rough start in life. As a sensitive and bright child, I suffered sexual abuse a few different times, neglect, emotionally abandonment by an alcoholic Dad and a chemically unstable Mother. Psoriasis at 10 and several severe traumatic injuries further served to isolate me.  

     A nervous breakdown in my teens led me to spiral into self-destruction and finally put a gun to my head and pull the trigger. Rather than dying, I received a gift that set me on a quest to transform my life. I went on to become trained by an authentic Tantra Master and be the only woman and westerner to receive his energetic transmission and carry his three lineages forward. I also did extensive studying in holistic and allopathic healing modalities and transformational practices enabling me to bring a unique approach to this field.

     Through my work and personal journey, I unlocked the code of our evolutionary design, expanding the limits of our potential. This enables me to assist my clients to go beyond the norm, indeed go beyond even success to a place of extraordinary called Peak Experience Living.

    Rates and Packages

    “Some teachers have the ability to demonstrate the techniques in comfortable circumstances. Others are the living example of their teachings. Some can reveal the deeper concepts and roots of the path. Others will bring you closer to living the practice each moment of every day. It is rare to find one teacher who embodies all of these qualities. That teacher is Tanja Diamond!” Shaun Robinson- Owner Paradigm Martial Arts Studio- Vancouver Canada

    High Speed Evolution Immersion- 5 months Premium coaching -$25,000

    • Two-hour Peak Evolution Exploration
    • Flexible coaching calls on demand (up to 3 hours a week)
    • High Speed Immersion weekend, off-site your location (my travel expenses extra) or my location or via Zoom
    • Your Life Unleashed online program- 12 content calls
    • Access to Live Q-A calls
    • Email support

    High Speed Evolution Private 6-month coaching -$18,000

    • Two-hour Personal Assessment Deep Dive
    • 3- 45 min individual 1:1 calls a month
    • Your Life Unleashed online program- 12 content calls
    • Access to Q-A calls


    Your Life Unleashed 6-month Program -$2997

    • Your Life Unleashed online program- 12 recorded content calls
    • Access to Q-A calls


    Your Relationship Evolution Coaching Exploration Package- $925

    These sessions are designed as a tool to get to know and understand the challenges at hand within the relationship. Once you have completed the sessions (they can be done in a short period of time) I will create a custom package for you to move into extraordinary love, intimacy and sex.

    • 1.5 hour session- as a couple
    • 2 – 1 hour sessions, 1 each individually
    • 1.5 hour session for your Assessment and Custom plan



    I personally believe experience sometimes makes for the best credentials however there are people who love to see “formal” training and accreditations- for those of you I offer this list.

    Please keep in mind I have lived an extraordinary life that has allowed me to take on more than most people do in a few lifetimes.

    I lived all over the world, went to an all-girl boarding school my last two years of high school, graduated at 16. Went to several colleges around the US and never bothered with a degree. I am neurodivergent and my particular brand of thinking leads me to connections others don’t tend to see.


    Certified– -2015-present -Owner, director, or founder of (in a little bit of chronological order starting when I was 14) all of these made money for me.

    Diamond Horse training- behaviorist and riding teacher 1974-1981

    Tanja Diamond -gym owner 1978- 1981

    Tanja Diamond training- personal trainer, nutritionist 1979-1997

    Diamond Designs- hair salon 1985- 2017

    Diamond Designs Jewelry- 1987- present

    Sun Your Buns- tanning salon- 1986-1992

    Tanja Diamond- Master Life Strategist™ 1986- present

    Diamond Consulting- business consulting- 1988- present

    Diamond training and healing- animal behaviorist and body worker-1988-present

    Water life Video-underwater videographer- 1992-2000

    Willowsgate Equestrian Center- 50 horse equestrian center- 1997-2003

    Institute of Empathic Healing- Horse healing and body working- 1997-2005

    Center for Sexual and Spiritual Enlightenment- retreat and workshop center- 1997-2003

    Tantra Cuddle™– 2008-present (looking for partners)

    Tanja Speed Dating™- 2009- present (looking for partners)

    Tantra Matchmaking™- 2009- present (looking for partners)

    Tantra Healing Oils™- 2014 -present, handcrafted oils for healing emotional, physical and spiritual issues.

    Learning Tantra- the hub of all things Tantra we have which includes 15 other websites for Tantra-  2000-present

    Tantra, sex, love and intimacy radio show 2008-2010

    Men, Sex and Tantra podcast- 2021

    Tantra for Business™- Tantra for Life Purpose and Business- 2008- present; coaching conscious people towards their life purpose and business, training corporate trainers and certifying coaches in Tantra for Business.

    Inspire Life LLC – 2000- present- the corporation for all the brands

    Evolution Coaches training – 2014- present- training people to become Evolution Coaches

    Certified Neo Tantra coaches-2014- training people to coach and heal using Neo Tantra

    Modern Tantra™- the 7 Tantras of Integrated Living- 2009-present

    Trust Touch Techniques™-  healing touch trauma 2009- present

    Touch Positive Community™- a foundation for the touch positive, classes, workshops, certification 2014- present

    Integrated Intelligence™ by invitation only mastermind think tank -2014- present

    High Speed Evolution™- The 5 Evolutions to Life Mastery – healing trauma and unwanted behaviors to attain personal freedom. 2014- present

    International Tantra University™- ITantraU, online Tantra learning university and certifying agency 2015-present 

    Inspire Life University™– online personal development learning university, and certifying agency  – 2015 -present

    Partner of Advanced Agile Execution –  consulting agency & personal development coaching for scrum masters – 2020

    Director of The Association of Tantric Practitioners – 2021

    Recover Your Life – 2020 

    Credentials and Training

    Master Life and Business Strategist™ (over 35,000 hours coaching clients)

    Master Coach Trainer- trainer of specialty personal development and other coaches

    Motivational and corporate speaker

    Thought Leader Certified Speaker Coach  

    Thought Leader Application and Talk Writing Intensive Facilitator for TEDx talks

    NLP practitioner -NLP

    Clinical hypnotherapist -C.Ht

    Time Empowerment techniques -TET

    Nganga spiritual  healer

    Curandero healer

    Lineage Tantra Master 3 lineages, Tantra Master energy healer and passing over guide

    Tantric Sexual  Coach

    Advanced Certified Tantra Educator (Neo Tantra) ACTE-3

    Reiki Master Level V  RM -V

    Laser Reiki LR

    Myofascia release therapist

    Acupressure practitioner

    Stillpoint practitioner

    Bach Flower remedy practitioner Level 2 BFRP

    Aromatherapist- RACT

    Sound therapist

    Vibrational therapist

    T-Touch practitioner

    Homeopath practitioner


    Meditation teacher

    Kundalini teacher


    White Tantra educator ( yoga)

    White Tigress- on going studies

    PADI diver master

    Helicopter pilot

    Certified Skipper (sailboat)

    Cosmetology instructor

    Swim coach/ lifeguard

    Personal trainer/ nutritionist

    Riding instructor/ horse trainer-Western gaming, dressage and hunter/jumper

    Equine Sports Massage Therapist- ESMT

    Animal behaviorist- specialty in horse, parrots, and exotics

    Equine Holistic Healing

    Gung Fu- Red sash dragon stylist

    Hsin Tao- student


    Code of Ethics

    Ethics in this definition is our promise to you of how we do business. Here are the codes in which Evolution Coaches and I operate.

    I will always be authentic and honest with you.

    I have and will happily work with everyone human and people who identify as non-human. I also work with animals.

    I do reserve the right to not work with you if I believe we are not a good fit and someone could serve you better. If that happens there are often times I can find you someone more suitable.

    Everything you say to me is confidential, your safety and peace of mind is paramount to me, and an integral part of the process. There are students and clients that have given me permission to share all or part of their journey, so if you hear me tell stories about others, named or not named I have their permission and I give them my gratitude because their stories help others. Many clients are referrals and I take that as a compliment of my confidentiality ethics. If you have questions about this please ask.

    As I chose to not get a license as a therapist I am not held by the law about reporting certain behaviors you display or acts you make me aware of. Please do understand that if you are intentionally harming others in unlawful ways we will be having a serious discussion about this and I will be very clear about what I expect us to do.

    I may ask you to disclose medical or psychological diagnosis or medication you are taking. You have the right to refuse and it may be at my discretion to stop working with you at that time if I feel that there may be a risk to either of us.

    Although you need not tell your partner or spouse you are working with me and I will hold your confidence I would prefer you did tell them.

    I will only work with clients under 16 with permission from parents or guardians, or if they are emancipated or homeless.

    I do not take complete written notes of our session’s only barely legible notes to remind me of things to follow up with or things to ask you about. I destroy these by shredding when we are no longer working together.

    You may record our sessions with permission. You are not authorized to share my part of our conversation (as in the recording) without my permission.

    I am qualified to provide the services that are stipulated on the site AND as my client you assume full responsibility of your actions in deciding to follow or implement my suggestions.

    I will continue to evolve as a person to care for myself to serve you better.

    I will respond to your concerns and feedback.

    I will strive for clear communication in our interactions.

    I am in some instances compensated for recommendations and referrals. I would only ever recommend or refer you to someone or another product I believed in 100 percent. If you have questions please ask.

    We strive to make our web privacy policies, shopping cart security, refunds, and cancellation policies very clear. Please ask questions if need be.

    We do not sell your personal information to anyone.

    I work within all the laws of the state or country I am working in and will never put you in a compromising legal situation.